IFRS16: overview and implementation lessons
IFRS 16 Leases published by IASB in January 2016 has become effective from 1 January 2019 onwards.
Public limited companies would have implemented this standard already. However, it is useful to recap on some practical applications regarding the common transactions which should have been treated as lease transactions according to the standard and their impact on the financial accounts.
In this seminar, we will revise the basic contents of IFRS 16 including the following:
1. Overview of IFRS 16 Leases
2. Practical guidance to lease identification
3. Lease modifications
4. Sale-and-lease-back transactions
Starting off as an auditor, he moved to working as a finance director in Hong Kong for a global consultancy company. Nowadays, Steve works as the managing director for an education company, where he maintains a wide variety of clients whom he advises professionally regarding IFRS practical implementation.
In 2017, the Guandong University of Foreign Studies appointed Steve as their accounting industry professor. On top of this, he is a lecturer for several professional accountancy bodies including ACCA. Back in 2017, one of his students became the first winner of the ACCA P4 Advanced Financial Management exam in Slovakia.
Back in mainland China, Steve now trains finance directors on how to apply IFRS and is the author of the book ‘The No.1 No-Nonsense Basic Financial Accounting Theory Handbook – Based on the new IFRS Conceptual Framework’ ISBN: 9789887939528.
Original link from ACCA: https://www.accaglobal.com/gb/...
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