Pass FM Exam Five Times Faster
Than You Could Ever Think
This package ends in July 2025, with pass guarantee.
This package ends in April 2025, with pass guarantee.
This package ends in July 2025
This package ends in April 2025
18 hours of tuition lectures summarising the whole FM syllabus in a 100% exam-focused way (with my handout).
Our course handout helps you understand the concept in a clear way (like in a face to face classroom).
Our course note summarises the exam style questions into easy to understand examples, making study fun.
Our 145 Pages Revision Note summarises all the knowledge, and recent pas exam questions that you need. Most students can cover these knowledge in only 3 days and pass this paper.
We carefully selected 'Root Questions' on which many potential exam questions are based.
I would like to mention that Steve’s FM course is truly exceptional and commendable and that I would definitely recommend it to other students! For me, calculating NPV was a challenge. However, with Steve's instructive method, I discovered that there are actually seven varieties of NPV questions that I would need to prepare for in the exam. The attempt during the exam was likewise not difficult because the situation was similar to the one explained in the course. Thanks to Steve, I was able to tackle NPV questions with confidence and secure a great mark!
Big part of work was put into the FM course materials and especially into the revision notes as they are the core focus of the course. They served as a one-stop shop summarizing all the Financial Management topics I needed to know. To my amazement, I came across many of these exact questions in the exam; therefore, the pretest preparation was more useful than could be anticipated. The stringent nature of the course aided in improving my performance in the final test.
I liked the practicality of the FM course especially the financial markets aspect. The discussions that took place during the case studies were insightful and prepared me to sit for the exam as well as persuaded me to want to work in banking after my AFM degree.
The FM paper has really been made enjoyable in Steve’s course. Incorporating many humorous issues and real life experience kept me interested and dosed off during lectures. This entertaining and highly focused delivery of the lessons made learning fun and efficient, enabling me to concentrate better and do well during my examinations.