Pass FR Exam Three Times Faster
Than You Ever Think
This package ends in April 2025, with pass guarantee.
This package ends in July 2025, with pass guarantee.
This package ends in April 2025
This package ends in July 2025
30 hours of tuition lectures summarising the whole FR syllabus in a 100% exam-focused way, with our exam focused examples on each IFRS, you can directly apply knowledge to any Section A and B questions to score high marks.
Our revision lectures are highly exam focused, with a few hours going through the application to each IFRS, and consolidation, it should boost your marks by at least 30%.
Our course note is structured in the way to ensure you understand each IFRS and consolidation topic quickly.
Our Exam Note is also available to our FR students, particularly to those who have gone through the FR course, and now start revising the paper. Most students go through the note (including handout) in less than 2 days, to increase the accuracy rate when they attempt Section A,B questions by another 20%.
The questions in Steve’s FR course are very close to the real questions. Because of this, I went into the exam not worrying too much about what it would be like, so that was one less stress factor. The practice questions were indeed practiced."
Steve's exam notes are really useful. I could review everything about IFRS in one day, and I managed to successfully pass the FR exam. Speaking of the notes, they were so well structured that I do not remember spending way too much time on them. Suitable for people that are in a hurry, but like to study!
Steve's FR course has pass note questions that are available for download which is something that I find great. Apart from these notes, I was also able to practice extra questions by myself, and to my surprise, five similar ones popped up during the real exam. Having to do all of this additional work built my confidence, and my performance was better because of it.
Steve has a powerful knowledge of IFRS. In his lectures, he simply articulates complicated concepts supported by real-life situations, which makes it easier to understand. Each and every time I had inquiries, he was always ready to offer suggestions via WhatsApp.