Leadership in the Strategic Change

Leadership in the Strategic Change

Leadership in the Strategic Change

Applied to Sept 2023 Preseen Case

Case Scenario 1: Corjetz's New Market Entry - Need for Charismatic Leadership

Background: Corjetz has recently decided to enter a market dominated by a well-established competitor. This new market is known for its brand-loyal customers and cultural nuances that make it a challenging terrain for any new entrant. To make a mark in this market, Corjetz needs to not just offer its signature low-cost flights but also needs to inspire and win over the local customer base.

Question: Which leadership style would be most suitable for Corjetz's entry into this challenging new market? Justify your choice and outline the implementation.


For Corjetz's entry into this new market, Charismatic Leadership would be most suitable. Here's why and how it should be applied:

  1. Build Personal Connections:
    • The leader should frequently visit this new market, engaging in local events and community programs. Hosting townhalls to directly communicate with the local populace can help in understanding their needs and preferences.
  2. Communicate Passionately:
    • Through media interactions and public addresses, the leader should convey the passion behind Corjetz's entry into this market, emphasizing the benefits the airline brings and its commitment to understanding and serving the local community.
  3. Lead by Example:
    • The leader should be at the forefront of any initiatives in this market. Whether it's launching a new route, addressing any issues, or even taking feedback, they should be visibly active and involved, showing the market that Corjetz is serious about its commitment.

Case Scenario 2: Corjetz's Cost-Cutting Measures - Need for Autocratic Leadership

Background: Due to unforeseen global events, the aviation industry is hit hard. While Corjetz is in a relatively stable position, it's essential to implement cost-cutting measures to ensure the company remains resilient. These decisions might be unpopular and need quick, decisive action.

Question: Which leadership style is apt for this crisis situation? Justify and outline the implementation.


In this scenario, Autocratic Leadership would be apt. Here's the justification and application:

  1. Decide and Direct:
    • Immediate decisions on which routes to cut, which aircraft to ground, and other operational changes should be made swiftly and communicated clearly across the organization.
  2. Monitor Closely:
    • The leader should have a system in place to monitor the implications of these decisions in real-time, ensuring that the intended cost savings are realized without compromising too much on service quality.
  3. Limit Feedback:
    • While feedback is valuable, in crisis situations, prolonged debates can be detrimental. The leader should communicate that these tough decisions are temporary and necessary for the company's long-term survival.

Case Scenario 3: Corjetz's Digital Transformation - Need for Transactional Leadership

Background: Corjetz is embarking on a digital transformation journey, introducing a new reservation system, a revamped mobile app, and digitized in-flight services. This requires strict adherence to protocols, timelines, and quality standards.

Question: Which leadership style would be best for overseeing this digital transformation? Justify and explain the implementation.


For the digital transformation of Corjetz, Transactional Leadership would be best. Here's the justification and application:

  1. Set Clear Expectations:
    • Clearly define the roles, responsibilities, and outcomes for each team involved in the transformation. Everyone should be aware of their deliverables and timelines.
  2. Monitor & Reward:
    • Regular reviews should be held to track the progress of the transformation. Teams or individuals who meet or exceed expectations should be recognized and rewarded.
  3. Maintain Order:
    • Given the technical nature of the transformation, strict adherence to guidelines and protocols is crucial. The leader should ensure that all teams follow the set standards to guarantee the success of the digital initiatives.

Case Scenario 4: Corjetz and Leadership Challenges During Expansion

Background: Corjetz, a renowned low-cost airline company, has been experiencing rapid expansion over the last five years. With new routes opening up and the fleet increasing, the company has faced growing pains. While the financial metrics look promising, internally, the company is experiencing challenges. Employee morale is decreasing, there have been more operational hiccups, and the company's once-prized punctuality record is slipping.

As the company expands into new markets, there's a clear need for a change in leadership style to address these internal challenges and ensure that Corjetz continues its trajectory of success without compromising its core values.

Question: Based on the leadership styles provided, which would be most appropriate for Corjetz's current situation? Justify your choice and outline how the chosen leadership style should be implemented.


Given Corjetz's current challenges, the most appropriate leadership style would be Transformational Leadership. Here's why and how it should be applied:

  1. Engage (Participative) and Inspire:
    • The leadership should articulate a clear vision of Corjetz's future, emphasizing its commitment to low-cost, punctual, and safe travel.
    • Townhall meetings should be held where leadership communicates the vision and mission, addressing the current challenges and the steps being taken to overcome them.
  2. Encourage Creativity:
    • Given the operational challenges, teams should be encouraged to brainstorm solutions to improve punctuality and operational efficiency.
    • Cross-functional teams can be set up to address specific challenges, ensuring that solutions are holistic and take into account various perspectives.
  3. Provide Individualized Consideration:
    • Recognize that different teams face unique challenges. For instance, the ground crew's challenges differ from the in-flight crew.
    • Leadership should engage in discussions with different departments to understand their specific challenges and provide tailored support.
    • Training programs should be introduced or revamped to address the skills gap, ensuring that as the company grows, the employees grow with it.

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Categories: : Strategic Business Leader (SBL)