Founded in 1904, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants is the global professional accounting body offering the Chartered Certified Accountant qualification. It has 240,952 members and 541,930 future members worldwide. ACCA's headquarters are in London with principal administrative office in Glasgow.
There are 9+2+4 = 16 papers in the ACCA qualification. However, students only need to complete 13 papers (9+2+2), Ethics Module and have practical experience before they become ACCA members. If students pass all 13 papers, they are called ACCA Affiliates.
ACCA Exam information can be found HERE
Part qualified ACCA means students only complete less than 13 papers in the ACCA qualification.
You could therefore complete all of the exams in two years. However, as you also need three years practical experience before you can become an ACCA member and be considered a qualified accountant, the qualification takes a minimum of three years to complete.
Fees will depend on which country you are based in. Information can be found HERE
The ACCA exams are tough, even for those with previous experience in Accounting at University. The volume and technical nature of the exams can be challenging for many. However, with the appropriate resources and commitment, the exams are passable as shown by recent pass rates.
How long will it take to move from AAT to being ACCA qualified? Thanks to the exemptions you get from being AAT qualified, you could complete your ACCA qualification in two years instead of three.
You can book your exam directly from the our exam availability page. The earliest you can book an exam is 7 days from the date of booking. Simply select your country from the dropdown menu and then click 'Book your exam' to take you to the booking process.
You can find more information HERE
ACCA has four exam cycles a year for both centre-based and remotely invigilated exams. Students can take a maximum of four exams during each exam cycle across a maximum of eight distinct exams over the course of a calendar year.
1. Applied Knowledge Level Papers - on demand sessions (unlimited amount of exams per year);
2. Applied Skills Level Papers to Strategic Professional Levels - 4 Sessions per year (March, June, Sept, Dec)
Please note, for Taxation (Previous F6 Paper) (Other Variants such as CHN), there are only 2 exam sittings per year (June and Dec).
ACCA will normally award exemption accreditation for a period covering up to a maximum of five years or until the date of the next specified re-validation exercise (whichever is sooner).
More information can be found HERE
Click "Access the Calculator" on this page from HERE
ACCA is the world's largest accountancy body with more than 200,000 members and 500,000 students across 176 countries. For more than 115 years, we've been helping ambitious, talented people like you to build exciting and rewarding finance careers, all over the world.
You can login to myACCA account by clicking HERE
The ACCA Qualification is the world leading accountancy qualification for aspiring financial professionals - providing students with the skills, knowledge and values to have successful careers and lead the organisations they work with into the future.
To view, change or cancel exams, visit the exam planner and log in using your myACCA username and password. Please note that the exam planner offers the only way to change exams. Customer Services will be unable to help with requests to change exams as it must be done by you, using your own myACCA login details.
ACCA Important Dates information can be found HERE
Normally, a UK accountant's salary can range from £25,000 or less to £100,000 or more.
Step 1: Register as an ACCA student HERE
Step 2: Complete all ACCA 13 papers (including exemptions), Ethics module and become ACAC Affiliate.
Step 3: Have 3 years experience and become an ACCA member. (with the "ACCA" letter to be used after your name)
Step 4: After becoming the ACCA member, accumulate another 5 years experience and become a Fellow Member of ACCA (with the "FCCA" letter to be used after your name).
You can check the latest fees information from HERE
You can take papers from any module (Applied Knowledge BT, MA, FA; Applied Skills CL, PM, TX, FR, AA, FM; Strategic Professional SBR, SBL, AFM, APM, ATX, AAA) in any order you like.
The exam must be attempted in previous modules before moving on to a higher module. For example, if you only have AA left in the Applied Skills module but wish to study SBR, then you must also attempt AAat that sitting.
Put ACCA (diploma or whatever you’re doing) under the heading of Current Studies in the Education section of your CV.
List the name of the paper with ‘passed’ in brackets
List the papers that you are currently studying and intend to sit soon, or if you have finished the ACCA exams, put marks next to each paper.
See "Legal and mutual recognition" from this page HERE
The ACCA Qualification is broadly equivalent to Bachelor degree standard when you take the first nine papers (the Fundamentals level - First 9 papers).
When you take the Professionals level (Complete SBR, SBL and 2 Optional Papers), it is equivalent to a masters degree.
For more information about ACCA practising certificate, please click HERE
For more updated information about the mutual recognition, please click HERE
For more information, please click HERE
You can find the latest job information from ACCA website HERE
You can contact ACCA head office, national offices or to communicate with ACCA live online by clicking HERE
You can find the latest job information from ACCA website HERE
For ACCA CPD resources information, please click HERE